Oversees the welfare of any animals used in education and research, their care and facilities, as directed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. Louisiana Tech has two Committees that oversee this aspect: one IACUC for small vertebrates, and another for the larger animals.
All Louisiana Tech University research involving animal subjects must be reviewed by the Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Louisiana Tech University prior to research and regardless of funding source. The findings of this committee must be addressed in the body of the proposal and may often be required on the agency cover page.
Xuan Liu (Chair), Sumeet Dua (Ex Officio), Don Braswell, Steven Jones, Marion Sewell, Chris Craig, and Yuri Voziyanov.
Point of Contact: Xuan Liu (xliu@latech.edu)
References and Forms
Animal Use Compliance Forms: